In some industries. Here’s some data from a few hundred WordStream customers (Note: this is NOT official Google data): conversion rate by industry Remarketing converts so well because past browsing history is an incredibly powerful predictive signal for future commerce activities. You’re often targeting the same people who were searching for stuff on Google – just targeting them at a slightly later time. 8. Remarketing Clicks Are Ridiculously Cheap Search ads in super-competitive industries can cost several dollars or more per click – and that’s just the average (with some keywords costing more like $50 per click).
Display and social remarketing ad clicks by contrast might cost anywhere from 2-100x less. Again, here’s IT Numbers some example data from WordStream customers: remarketing clicks vs search clicks In short, you’ll probably see higher conversion rates with search ads vs. display/social remarketing, but the cost per click will also be higher. If the higher conversion rate is offset by higher click prices, it’s possible that social/display remarketing could deliver higher ROI. 9. Remarketing Isn’t Limited to Display and Social We’ve talked a lot about remarketing in display and social, but they aren’t the only game in town. RLSA (remarketing lists for search ads) combines the intent of the search query with user context like location, device and time searched, but then it layers on browsing history, which makes for a super powerful combination.
Remarketing lists for search On average, we’re finding that RLSA campaigns have 2x higher CTRs, 50% lower CPCs and convert at twice the rate of regular search campaigns! 10. “Super Remarketing” on Facebook & Twitter Makes Remarketing 10-100x More Powerful I love remarketing but it doesn’t make sense to target everybody who visits your site. Just because someone is interested in your products or services, it doesn’t mean they fit your target market. (Can they actually afford to buy your product?) Typically only around 2-4% of your remarketing cookie pool will convert to leads and sales.