In developed countries, society is increasingly aware of the impact of diet on health , physical and mental, at all stages of life. Consequently, for some time now, consumers demand nutritious, functional, healthy, tasty, appetizing, safe and long-lasting foods, in the absence of synthetic additives. If possible, also economical, environmentally friendly and ready for consumption or easy to prepare. For the food industry, meeting these expectations has meant, among other things, developing, evaluating and implementing new conservation strategies . These strategies, in any case, must guarantee stability and safety.
Altering little or nothing the properties of the fresh product, maximizing the shelf life, defined as that in which, under specific storage conditions, a specific food will be safe. and will maintain all its characteristics . In this regard, one of the options is to opt for non-thermal conservation technologies , given the Fax Lists negative impact of heat on food. These include processing using high hydrostatic pressures , which has long been applied to foods of all kinds, such as sausages, seafood, juices, sauces, dairy products, ready meals, and even children's and pet foods. , as can be seen on the website.
A company with extensive international projection and headquarters in Burgos, specialized in high-pressure industrial equipment. The suitability of this technology for food preservation is due to the fact that it can inactivate microorganisms and enzymes, largely respecting the properties of the fresh product . This is because high hydrostatic pressures affect the structure and function of large molecules, with ionic bonds and hydrophobic interactions (relatively weak), without affecting many of the components responsible for the sensory, nutritional and functional quality of foods. which are usually small molecules.