Jesús Pérez Quintero, insular counselor for the Environment, Waste and Recycling, Security and Emergencies, is satisfied with the administration's progress in environmental matters. The Cabildo of El Hierro is finalizing the recovery plan for the giant lizard, according to Jesús Pérez Quintero, island councilor for the Environment, Waste and Recycling, Security and Emergencies, who points out that they already have about three hundred animals prepared for release. Likewise, it indicates that work continues to improve the infrastructure of the center that houses the lizards, in particular the places where the babies are located and where the process of adaptation to the environment is carried out. Pérez considers that the recovery procedure for the giant lizard is already very consolidated.
Recovering from the adverse conditions due to the currents of 2007. El Creal Environmental Center Likewise, Pérez is satisfied with the recovery process of more than 29,000 specimens of endemic flora from El Hierro in the El Creal Environmental Center, which will allow certain areas of the island to be replanted, as well as meet the demands of entities and individuals to carry out the Europe Mobile Number List garden ornamentation. This activity is complemented by excursions by students from the island's schools, with the aim of getting citizens involved in the work of reforestation and environmental conservation. Miguel Ángel Déniz, president of the ONCE Territorial Council of the Canary Islands and general secretary of Cermi Canarias, urges changing the legislation to better represent this group. Canary Islands entities in the field of disability have returned en bloc the aid provided by the Canary Islands Government "due to its impossible execution", according to Miguel Ángel Déniz, president of the Territorial Council of the Canary Islands of ONCE and general secretary of Cermi Canarias.
Good disposition of the Ministry He points out that this aid does not cover either the expectations or the needs of the organizations, to which he adds that the bases were unaffordable. However, he indicates that the problem can be resolved in future calls thanks to the good disposition shown by the Department of Tourism and Employment of the Canary Islands Government. Legislative change Déniz indicates that this aid is aimed at creating and stimulating employment for people with disabilities, as well as developing work itineraries more appropriate to the time in which we live. He points out that it turns out that this is not an economic problem, but rather the legal framework that prevents this money from being invested, which is why Cermi is asking that the legislation be changed. This is how he had the opportunity to convey it in the appearance held this week in the Parliament of the Canary Islands, under the presidency of Astrid Pérez, on the occasion of the presentation of the commemorative coupon of the recent modification of article 49 of the Constitution, which expands the rights of people with disabilities and eliminates from the text the expression 'physically, sensorially and mentally handicapped'.