This is where the style guide comes in: a document that standardizes your company's language and tone of voice, ensuring that it is adopted correctly in communication channels. “ But... do I really need to make a style guide? Wouldn't that be a waste of time? Obviously that is a decision for your company. A style guide can be long, complicated to make, and will take time and dedication from your team. But isn't it worth making that investment and optimizing your time in the future? In the end, without a manual of good language and writing practices, you will spend a lot of time correcting all the content that passes through you while ensuring that it is appropriate to your company's proposal. It shows that it is the stage that has a natural link with marketing.
The third is: it is the phase that connects your product with Bahamas WhatsApp Number the customer . It doesn't matter if your product is the best in the world, if it is not on the supermarket shelf or on the website, it simply does not exist. The fourth, contemporary and born in content marketing : it is the art of getting your content to you through the right channel at the right time. Some content distribution channels That was in the time of Achilles, approximately 7000 years ago and probably, although we cannot say for sure, there would be no Internet. Now, with the Internet, there are many content distribution channels.
But if you think that that solved the distribution problem, I'm sorry to tell you that that is a myth, the Internet is wonderful, but it doesn't do magic, on the contrary, it aggravates the distribution problem. Year 23 DI - But let's go back to the present, let's leave Brad Pitt alone, time passes for him too. Let's talk about the present, we are in year 23 DI (After the Internet). Today there is an entire content production chain and together with it we have the distribution phase, and although we know that the golden rule is to always believe in the content, the silver rule is: good content is of no use if it is not you have where to distribute it.