If the tone and identity of your brand allow it, it is interesting to post lighter or humorous content from time to time to generate emotion among your audience, and therefore boost engagement. You will be able to take advantage of parties, events or reflect on a current event with a touch of humor, and surprise your audience. Or simply create a meeting with your community by posting this type of content just before the weekends for example. You must of course not overuse it and ensure that the image perceived by your audience will be the one you wish to convey. Some companies even make their own custom GIFs and memes.
Why not you ? Do you want to go further in improving your social media strategy? Download Albania WhatsApp Number our free guide! STEPS TO FOLLOW TO SUCCESSFULLY REDESIGN YOUR WEBSITE JUNE , LEAD GENERATION , INBOUND MARKETING BE THE ST TO COMMENT Your website has had its day and you are not really satisfied with its current performance? Redesigning a website is a major project, but by following these steps, you will achieve your goals with complete peace of mind! Did you know ? to months is the average lifespan of a website. For what ? continue to evolve. Your website is where visitors and customers go to ask questions, read content, or purchase productsservices.

Its redesign involves modifying and updating the content, structure, format and navigation, in order to improve performance and convert more visitors. Redesigning your website is therefore necessary to continue to exist in the digital space and constantly generate new leads. However, changing the design and user experience requires following some best practices to avoid mistakes. Focus on steps to successfully redesign your website! Step Define goals Before you start redesigning your website, ask yourself this question why do you want to redesign your website? According to a Goodfirms study , businesses opt for a redesign when there is a low conversion rate, high bounce rate, poor user experience, feature obsolescence, or poor SEO.