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What are long-tail keywords? Main keyword









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發表於 2024-2-29 17:49:10 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Therefore, besides the number of impressions or search traffic, you also need to pay attention to the click rate of users on articles or websites with that keyword before deciding to create content about it. Please.How to choose keywords? Now that you have a list of keywords, how do you know which keywords you should choose? You can use keyword analysis for this. In SEO, keywords are divided inttypes main keywords, content keywords and long-tail keywords For example, if your website is new or doesn't have many backlinks and authority, it's best to focus on low-competition keywords first.

And you should start with long keywords instead of keywords that are too short. Then, as your DB to Data site gradually gains more authority, you can move on to exploiting more competitive keywords, like main keywords and content keywords, for example. To understand each type of keyword, continue reading the sections below. These are usually single short keywords with high search volume and very fierce competition. For example, keywords like “Insurance” or “Vitamins” are searched everywhere, so the competition for these keywords is very high.

However, if the main keyword is too short and general, it will be difficult for you to get a high conversion rate. Content keywords Body Keywords are 2-3 word phrases that generate a decent amount of searches (At least 2000 searches per month), but these keywords will be more specific than the main keywords. Keywords like “Life insurance” or “order vitamins online” are examples of content keywords. These keywords always have less competition than the main keyword. Long tail keywords Long tail keywords are phrases longer than 4 words and are often very specific. Phrases like


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