And getting that foundation more solid will improve any other efforts to build the site. Let's talk about what the score means in detail. Check your Site Health with the Site Authoring tool Try it for free → ADS illustration How Site Health is Calculated When you run a Site Audit, the . bot crawls the website based on your parameters and checks for over common website problems ( see the full list here ).
Site Health is calculated based on the problems that . finds during this crawl. These problems are divided into three main categories: Bugs – the most impactful issues that need to be addressed first. Warnings – medium impact issues that need to India Phone Number be addressed but not as urgently as bugs. Warnings - not dangerous, but still important things to pay attention to. The most dangerous errors (such as broken internal links) contribute more to your Site Health score than any warnings. Warnings (such as .external links) do not affect the score at al.
As they are usually not indicative of any errors, but are included to keep you informed about the site's performance. Critical issues harming overall site health Please note that not all errors and warnings carry the same weight. In general, the more critical a website error is, the more impact it has on the Site Health score. warning has a ten times weaker effect than a specific error. Examples of critical issues include: An incorrect page in the sitemap, canonical or hreflang. According to the Marketing Insider Group : Thought leadership is a type of content marketing where you leverage the talent,