Athat is the subject of this referral which were submitted the High Court. It was submitted by the Alba Iulia Braov Iai Ploieti and Suceava appeal courts as well as by the Hunedoara Braov Bucharest Iai Suceava and CaraSeverin courts that the judges opined that in the case brought to the attention of the Panel for the dissolution some legal issues in criminal matters we are in the presence of a real contest of crimes. On the contrary the Bucharest Courts of Appeal First Criminal Section Pitesti and Timisoara and the Sibiu Covasna Ialomia Gorj Brila Buzu Prahova Dmbovia Timi and Arad courts have.
Shown that when a person commits in the same circumstance one or more Country Email List actions that have as their object highrisk drugs and highrisk drugs meet the conditions of the legal unit of crimes regulated by art. para. of the Criminal Code i.e. the continued form of the offense provided for by art. para. and from Law no. republished with subsequent amendments and additions while the Constana and Oradea appeal courts and the Constana and Galati tribunals considered that the provisions of art. para. of the.
Criminal Code regarding the complex crime. At the level of the Galati Court of Appeal there are different opinions the judges embracing either the orientation of the application of the provisions relating to the crime in a continuous form or the one concerning the complex crime. of the Bucharest Court of Appeal opined that only one offense provided for by art. para. and from Law no. republished with subsequent amendments and additions as it is a natural crime unit the aggravated form absorbing the simple version. VI. The opinion of the Prosecutors Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice Through Address no. .C.III of January the Prosecutors Office attached to the High.