Anna Chizhikova Anna Chicherova Anna holds a degree in Linguistics and has found her vocation in the field of Inbound Marketing and Marketing Automation. She loves combining her technical and creative knowledge with her passion for languages in the day to day tasks. She also loves painting, reading and doing yoga in her free time. steps for taking your regional Marketing strategy global Flecha scroll Buscar... Leo Fornasari Strategy how to take your regional marketing strategy global In the digital world, we are no longer bound by distance or location the global market is accessible for any business with a highly creative strategy and a good understanding of world markets. Global Marketing is the ability to adapt your Marketing strategy for other regions, markets, or countries, by offering products services focused on fulfilling the needs of potential global buyers.
Your business looking to expand? Do you have opportunities in new areas that you wantphoto editing servies to explore? Take the leap! By taking your regional Marketing strategy global, you have the opportunity to increase your brand awareness, gain a wider customer base, and open up new pathways of profit for your business. So how do you start with Global Marketing? We share steps to making it happen . Research new markets & go "glocal" felipe Furtado zDXqgTzEFE unsplashThe first thing to do before going global is perform market research on the countries where you want to launch your business.

It s extremely important to understand not only the market forces at work, competitors, costs, and viability, but also the different approaches that you may need to take towards your products, services, and target audience. This is called a "Glocal" approach. Basically, it means seeing which Marketing strategies work globally vs. only locally. Start by thinking about your current strategy. Which elements of your local, regional, or national campaign could be expanded to a more generic, global market? Which elements need to be fine tuned for specific countries.