Some of the internal SEO items are: meta tags, title tag, meta description and heading tags. 19. What is external SEO? External SEO includes things that are effective on the site's ranking, but it happens outside the site. This position includes content marketing, social networks and link building outside the scope of the site, and all of them increase the ranking of the site in the search results. 20. What is a keyword? Keywords in SEO refer to in the content of web pages and help users to display related results in the search list.
21. What is a long tail keyword? Long keywords or keyword phrases Phone Number List include items that are more than 4 words and provide more specific results. These long keywords are used by smart SEO experts to bring more targeted traffic to the site instead of random traffic. It is important to mention that this type of traffic has a higher conversion rate . What is a long keyword? It is also easier to rank for long-tail keywords than for single keywords.
22. What are similar keywords (LSI keywords)? Similar keywords are those that are semantically very similar to the user's search term. But how to find these similar keywords? The easiest way to find LSI keywords is to use the Google search engine itself. After searching for a keyword, go to the bottom of the page and see Searches Related to. Here is a list of recommended keywords by Google. What are LSI keywords? By using similar keywords in the text of the content, you help Google to better understand the semantic structure of the page's keywords and find the meaning hidden in the page's text.