For this you need to remember two things:
Topics are very general that different blogs can roll out . For example, 'Raising healthy children', or 'kitchen supplies'. A writer can choose these topics and go in different directions.
A work title is very specific and leads to the creation of one blog post . For example, for the topic 'raising healthy children', you can think of the following titles;
How can the right nutrition ensure strong bones in your children?
A handbook for parents to help your child grow socially and emotionally
You probably now see the difference between a germany phone number and a work title. In addition, it is good to know that these are not yet the perfect titles. How to make these titles clickable and search engine friendly will be discussed later.
It is also very normal in the film world to start with a working title. By first shooting the film – or writing the content – you give substance to your title. Only then can you choose it.
2. Stay accurate and specific
When you remain accurate and specific when writing your title, it provides a clear reflection of what your reader can expect. I'm sure a lot of people would click on a title like: “10 B2B companies that use Facebook so well that they don't need another marketing channel”… Of course this title is extremely inflated.
Only when you have actually found ten companies that have stopped using other marketing channels solely because of the use of Facebook, will this title be accurate and specific. But if it isn't, then your title is not accurate and does not meet the reader's expectations.