Which is then consulted by the Council of Ministers or RDS. What influences minimum wages The amount of the minimum wage is the basis for determining the value of various benefits, receivables and limits. Among others preferential ZUS contributions - the basis for their calculation is of the minimum wage, sickness benefit - the calculation basis cannot be lower than the amount of the minimum remuneration for work, after deducting the amount corresponding to.
of this remuneration, revenue limit in unregistered activities, amount of fines for penalties and fiscal offenses - how philippines photo editor it is determined can be found in Higher fines for fiscal offenses, remuneration for downtime in the company – it cannot be lower than the minimum wage, in the case of group layoffs - cannot be higher than times the minimum wage. The above list contains just a few examples.
The minimum wage affects many more elements. Historical data – for those who like numbers The amount of the national minimum wage in - was collected in the article Minimum wage - two increases in the minimum wage next year? and for earlier years – in the table below national minimum wage historically Source archive.mrips.gov.pl Share with others Up Previous article Termination of an employment contract by an employee without notice - when is it possible.