The right server This is the first step
Let’s get started with the core content of this tutorial. Make sure you're using the right type of serverfor a reason. this point is very important. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that if you use a server to host your website, you're probably going to get so frustrated that yours might fall to the bottom of the swimming pool. (This may or may not have happened) The reason I say this is that rewriting never seems to play well with any of the rewriting modules you can use. Rewriting the module's settings is also a nightmare if you use a shared hosting account.From time to time, I have encountered installation and configuration issues. on the server. For the moible number data sake of practicality and simplicity, I just recommend buying it! The site is set up on the server where it is installed. Your nerves and the components you're installing will thank you. Rename to Because you need to enable rewriting to make these more attractive than they were to start with, you need to rename the files to This is the version used! and. Enable and rewrite In your global configuration, set the Search Engine Friendly and Use rewrite options to Yes. Jomla! Setting it up to be search engine friendly is one.
Setting to remove all dynamically generated gobbledygook from your and replace it with aliases for the menu items you use on the page. An override is a setting that is removed from it. To enable this feature, it must be enabled and the file must be present. The balance of your settings is really more up to you. I'm leaning towards giving up on the other three. You may want to turn on the option to include your website name in the page title, especially if the website has a lot of content. Personally, I like to micromanage everything and for the most part make each title individually from the file.