How to Become Ambitious – 5 Simple Rules
First, we need to find out what ambition is. It is one of the personality traits that implies the desire/ability/faith to achieve one's goals. An ambitious person is distinguished by self-confidence and self-confidence, he is able to achieve his goals by any means.Ambition can be either reduced – that is, a lack of ambition, or overestimated – unjustified ambition. At the same time, healthy ambitions mean that a person is able to objectively assess their strengths and capabilities, highlight their advantages and use them to achieve goals.
Attitudes towards ambition have varied greatly over the years. For example, in the USSR ambitious individuals were not welcomed – there was no point in trying to distinguish oneself and trying to “jump above one’s head”. While even the slogans themselves, calling for stimulating people to work, were examples of ambition – “a five-year plan in three years”, etc.
Today, the concept of ambition has acquired a more positive connotation. Of course, if a person has inflated ambitions and expectations of himself, he may well be called a "tyrant" or simply an overly arrogant and self-confident person. However, the lack of any ambitions and aspirations is considered a big disadvantage. Take, for example, all sorts of online courses that encourage you to get rid of the "imposter syndrome" and finally realize yourself in one area or another. All of them are based on the fact that they are often acquired by people with reduced ambitions in the hope of revealing their hidden potential with someone else's help or simply receiving praise and encouragement.
So, what is ambition? It is an internal trait responsible for the desire for success, self-realization, recognition. In some it is less pronounced, in others it is unreasonably high. And it is very important to create fertile soil that will help to “grow” absolutely healthy ambition to achieve all the goals set.
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02 Why You Should Be Ambitious
how to develop ambition
There are many reasons why you should be ambitious. We have compiled a list of the most popular ones:
Self-confidence is perhaps the main and most important feature of an ambitious person. Faith in one's own strength with healthy ambitions is not groundless, it is supported by one's own experience, real opportunities, knowledge, etc. And the process of cultivating ambitions, in turn, includes work on self-esteem
Achieving goals is something that is facilitated by having healthy ambitions. It is human nature to use one's advantages and achieve the intended goals as a result of one's own aspirations.